# Example 3 - Contouring ungridded data (Black/White)
# Contributed 17 Feb 1994 by Dan Kelley <Dan.Kelley@Dal.Ca>.

# Read columnar data (x,y,z), convert to a grid, then contour.
# Data from figure 5 of Koch et al., 1983, J. Climate
# Appl. Met., volume 22, pages 1487-1503.
open ~/src/gri/doc/examples/example5.dat
read columns x y z
set x size 12
set x axis 0 12 2
set y size 10
set y axis 0 10 2
draw axes
set line width symbol 0.2
set symbol size 0.2
draw symbol bullet
set font size 8
draw values
set x grid 0 12 1
set y grid 0 10 1

#***convert columns to grid
# The following commented commands are some versions of
# the above command that you might want to try:
convert columns to grid         # "default"
#convert columns to grid objective                # As default
#convert columns to grid objective -1.4 -1.4      # As default
#convert columns to grid objective -1.4 -1.4 5 1  # As default
#convert columns to grid objective -1.4 -1.4 5 -1 #  + fill grid
#convert columns to grid objective -2   -2        # Average
#convert columns to grid objective  2    2        #
#convert columns to grid boxcar                   # Ugly
#convert columns to grid boxcar -2 -2             # Still ugly

# You might also want to try uncommenting next
# command to smooth the grid:
#smooth grid data

set font size 10
draw contour 0 40 2
set font size 12
draw title "N. Am. wind (Fig5 Koch et al, 1983)"