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Dan Kelley wrote Gri, and Peter Galbraith wrote the Gri Emacs mode. The two have collaborated on Gri development (and science) for nearly two decades, and have enjoyed the help and advice of many users, named in the Gri manual.

Development site

Gri development was hosted on until April 2010, after which it was hosted at GitHub.

Quick links for developers

Forums: [developer] [open] [help].
Debian: [package] [auto-builder's log].
Old Trackers: [Feature requests] [Bug reports] [Patch submissions] (these are legacy ... DO NOT USE for new items)
Trackers (present-day): [issues]

Developer Work Cycle

[Git summary]
Do this one time:
git clone git://

Work cycle:
git pull # get updates from origin
emacs ... # do some work
git -am 'commit message' # can also do add then commit
git push # push your own updates back to origin

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Copyright © 2002-2015 by Dan Kelley and Peter Galbraith
This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the GNU Publication License.