# Example 8 -- Plot T=T(x,rho) section of eubex data `Initialize Parameters' { \FILE_DATA = "example8a.dat" # T vs rho \FILE_LOCN = "example8b.dat" # section distances set missing value -99.0 # # Following values from ~/eubex/processing/to_rho_bins/do_rho_inter \RHO_MIN = "28.1" \RHO_MAX = "27.5" \RHO_INC = "-0.002" \NY = "301" \xmin = "350" \xmax = "0" \xinc = "-100" \ymin = "28.1" \ymax = "27.8" \yinc = "-0.1" \zmin = "0" \zmax = "2.5" } `Initialize Axes' /* Set up axes */ { set x name "km" set x size 10 set x axis \xmin \xmax \xinc set y name "$\sigma_T$" set y size 5 set y axis name horizontal set y axis \ymin \ymax \yinc set y format "%.1f" } `Initialize Files' { query \data "Data file? " ("\FILE_DATA") query \locn "Station locn?" ("\FILE_LOCN") } `Read Data' { # Read x-locations system awk '{print $2}' < \locn > TMP system wc TMP | awk '{print $1}' > NUM open NUM read .gridx_number. close system rm NUM open TMP read grid x .gridx_number. close system rm TMP # Create y-locations set y grid \RHO_MIN \RHO_MAX \RHO_INC # # Read data open \data read grid data \NY .gridx_number. close } `Plot Contours' { set graylevel .contour_graylevel. set clip on set line width 0.5 draw contour -3 3 0.25 unlabelled # # wide line at 0 degrees set line width 2 draw contour 0 unlabelled } `Plot Image And Maybe Contours' { \imagefile = "image" set image range \zmin \zmax convert grid to image box \xmin \ymin \xmax \ymax query \dohisto "Do histogram scaling? (yes|no)" ("yes") \incs = "no" if {"\dohisto" == "yes"} set image grayscale using histogram else \zinc = "0.25" query \incs "In linear scaling, band at an increment of \zinc?" ("yes") if {"\incs" == "yes"} set image grayscale black \zmin white \zmax increment \zinc else set image grayscale black \zmin white \zmax end if end if write image rasterfile to \imagefile show "wrote image rasterfile `\imagefile '" draw image draw image palette query \do_contours "Do contours as well (yes|no)" ("yes") if {"\do_contours" == "yes"} Plot Contours end if draw title "Example 8 -- \data black=\zmin white=\zmax" if {"\dohisto" == "yes"} draw title "Histogram enhanced grayscales" else if {"\incs" == "yes"} draw title "Grayscale banded at intervals of \zinc" end if end if } Initialize Parameters Initialize Axes Initialize Files Read Data query \doimage "Draw image (yes|no)" ("no") if {"\doimage" == "yes"} .contour_graylevel. = 1 # white contours Plot Image And Maybe Contours else .contour_graylevel. = 0 # black contours Plot Contours draw title "Example 8" end if